Lungs are very important organs of the body. Lung cancer is the result of carelessness, neglect and torture. It originates in the lungs but gradually spreads to other parts of the body including the brain. Smoking or consumption of tobacco products is one of the causes of 80 percent of lung cancers worldwide. Apart from this, those who work in polluted and dangerous environment or in dusty sand, there is a high risk of lung cancer.
The symptoms of lung cancer are not understood in the early stages. Usually the disease is diagnosed at the last stage. Sometimes, even after the symptoms appear, many people do not understand and neglect them. As a result, the situation becomes complicated. So do not neglect it and consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms appear.
Who is at risk?
- Those who regularly smoke or consume tobacco in any other way have a higher incidence rate than others. Even second-hand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer. So if there is one smoker in the family, the rest can get lung disease through secondhand smoke.
- For occupational reasons, people who work in asbestos factories or in dusty sands have a high risk of developing lung cancer.
- Air pollution levels are much higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The air of the city is polluted due to vehicles, fumes from factories etc. As a result, the risk increases for those living in cities.
- Those who have to get treatment through radiation, can also get lung cancer.